222 W. Mission Ave., Ste. 246

Spokane, WA 99201

Garden Court Building

Brian K Dykman Attorney At Law

No Frills. Only What You Need.

 Serving Spokane County and Eastern Washington


Retirement Divisions (QDRO's) from $599
Quit Claim and Other Property Deeds from $199

What Is a QDRO?

A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a legal document that's needed to give a portion of an employee's retirement plan to a former spouse after a divorce or legal separation. 

If your divorce decree or legal separation decree divides your or your former spouse's retirement plan you may need a QDRO.  The cost for a QDRO starts at $599.

Call me at (509) 324-0238 for more information to help you.

Reading Glass on Document

Quit Claim, Transfer on Death, and other deeds

A Quit Claim Deed may be necessary to transfer real property between spouses or former spouses. A deed may also be necessary to secure a former spouse’s interest in real property.   The cost for a Quit Claim Deed starts at $199 plus applicable fees for taxes and recording.

A Transfer on Death Deed is a consideration for estate planning to provide for change in ownership to real property upon death to possibly avoid probate.  The cost for a Transfer on Death Deed starts at $249 plus applicable fees for taxes and recording.

Information about other real property deeds is available.   Call me for more information.

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(509) 324-0238.

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